Sustainability Committee
The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the company’s sustainability performance. The CEO reports on the progress of the company’s sustainability work at every Board meeting.
Governing documents
BioGaia has an internal Code of Conduct that provides overall guidelines and policies for how the company is to be operated and how sustainability is to be integrated into operations.
The company’s policies are reviewed and approved every year by the Board. BioGaia also has several directives that are approved by the CEO and/or Executive Management. It is mandatory for all new employees to review all of the company’s policies and directives as part of their on-boarding. Anti-corruption training also includes that employees confirm that they have read and undertake to comply with the Code of Conduct and policies for anti-corruption and conflicts of interest. All policies and directives are available on BioGaia’s intranet.
BioGaia has the following policies and directives:
- Code of Conduct
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Insider Trading Policy
- Financial Policy
- Work Environment Policy
- Diversity Policy
- Recruitment Directive
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Integrity Directive
- IT Security Directive
- Communication Policy
- Marketing Directive
- Travel Directive
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- Distributor Code of Conduct