Health areas
BioGaia focuses on gut health, immune health and oral health
BioGaia are a world leader in probiotic products. Our current range comprises products within gut, oral and immune health for children and adults.
BioGaia product portfolio spans over three health areas: gut health, immune health and oral health. Almost all of our products contains unique and patented strains of the lactic acid bacteria L. reuteri that provide their own distinct health benefits. L. reuteri is a probiotic species whose natural habitat is the human body, passed from generation to generation during childbirth and breastfeeding.
Benefits of BioGaia´s L. reuteri:
- L. reuteri is one of few bacterial species that has developed in symbiosis with humans. Due to this it naturally colonizes and has a strong adaptation.
- L. reuteri strains survive through the whole GI tract.
- The number of live bacteria in BioGaia´s products is guaranteed until expiry date.
- Efficacy and safety are tested and documented in the target populations, from newborns to the elderly.
- Our probiotics contain viable freeze-dried L. reuteri.
- The probiotic bacteria are always defined on strain level.
Wihtin the area of gut health, BioGaia has the most researched probiotic for infant colic*, that helps ease colic, occasional constipation and diarrhea . Within the area of oral health, BioGaia has an unrivalled position as world leader in terms of the number of clinical studies conducted in such areas as gingivitis and periodontitis. In addition to gut health, immune health, and oral health, we are investigating the needs and potential for further conditions. Highly promising research is under way on the use of probiotics in areas such as metabolism and skincare. For adults, we also offer a bone health product.
* according to the number of publications at (July 2021).