Isabelle Ducellier takes over as Managing Director of BioGaia

Isabelle Ducellier’s latest position was as General Secretary at the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund. Previously, she has held a number of senior international positions within the Pernod Ricard Group for 20 years, latest as CEO of Pernod Ricard Sweden. 

I am pleased to finally be here and am starting to familiarize myself with the business. I look forward to working in the fast-growing probiotics market, in a company with a unique combination of leading-edge research and a strong brand. Moreover, I got a great start – BioGaia recently won the category “annual reports listed companies B2C” in the prestigious Swedish Publishing Prize,” says Isabelle Ducellier, Managing Director of BioGaia.

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BioGaia Press Release 19 November 2018

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BioGaia Press Release 19 November 2018

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