Annual General Meeting of BioGaia

The Annual General Meeting of BioGaia AB (publ) on 8 May 2019 voted, among other things, to approve the following resolutions:

  • adoption of the annual report
  • discharge from liability for the Board members and the Managing Director
  • a dividend of SEK 10.00 per share and a grant of SEK 3.2 million to “The foundation to prevent antibiotic resistance” that was founded by BioGaia in 2017. The purpose of the foundation is to reduce antibiotic resistance through support to research, education and information activities that promote of the use of products and methods that prevent infections and reduce the use of antibiotics.
  • the number of Board members shall be seven (7) without deputies.
  • re-election of Board members Ewa Björling, David Dangoor, Peter Elving, Inger Holmström, Anthon Jahreskog, Peter Rothschild and Brit Stakston
  • re-election of Peter Rothschild as Board Chairman and David Dangoor as Deputy Board Chairman
  • re-election of the registered accounting firm Deloitte AB
  • Board member remuneration in an amount of SEK 600,000 to the Chairman, SEK 430,000 to the Vice Board Chairman and SEK 230,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the general meeting.
  • an additional, monthly remuneration of not more than SEK 155,000 to the Chairman of the Board for duties in addition to the assignment as Chairman of the Board. The payment of any such additional remuneration shall be agreed upon in writing and further resolved upon by the Board.
  • auditors’ fee shall be paid according to approved account
  • on a Nominating Committee in accordance with the Nominating Committee’s proposal
  • on principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for senior executives in accordance with the Board’s proposal

Latest press releases from BioGaia
2019-05-08 BioGaia AB Interim Management Report 1 January – 31 March 2019
2019-05-06 BioGaia’s probiotic decreases pain in patients with diverticulitis
2019-05-03 BioGaia launches BioGaia Osfortis – a new product for the prevention of osteoporosis 

BioGaia Press Release 9 maj 2019

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BioGaia Press Release 9 maj 2019

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