Peter Rothschild commenting on Year-end Report 2014

BioGaia announced the results of its Year-end Report.

Peter Rothschild, President of BioGaia, summarises 2014 and answers questions regarding;

  • the overall development of BioGaia during the year,
  • the progress of the launch in Brasil and its potential to become one of the most important markets,
  • measures taken to reverse the trend of business unit Adult Health,
  • the potential of the recent Nestlé product launches containing BioGaia’s probiotics,
  • development of subsidiary IBT,
  • top priorities of 2015.

Also, In connection to the release BioGaia held a telephone conference where Peter Rothschild summarised the results and answered to questions from analysts.

The press conference can be viewed in retrospect through the Financial Hearings website.

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