Botswana study with BioGaia’s probiotic to be scaled up

A pilot study with L. reuteri Protectis in children with acute diarrhoea, which has been conducted in Botswana, will now be scaled up. The study is one of six projects to be supported by Grand Challenges Canada, which is funded by the Government of Canada.

The projects are all innovations showing evidence of early promise for improving global health. In the case of the Protectis study this means use of a new method to rapidly diagnose children with acute diarrhoea, permitting timely targeted antimicrobial therapy, and supplementation of L. reuteri Protectis. In the pilot study these interventions led to significant increases in growth and decreases in recurrent diarrhoea compared to standard care and placebo treatment.

Read the press release on the pilot study here.

Read the press release from Grand Challenges Canada here.

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