BioGaias precautions regarding coronavirus – COVID-19

Since December 2019 there has been an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. Cases of COVID-19 are also being reported in a growing number of countries internationally.

BioGaia is manufacturing its products in Europe. None of our manufacturers, including our own plant in Sweden, are experiencing issues as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Our suppliers are monitoring the situation carefully.

To ensure consistent supply of our products BioGaia is overseeing the situation closely and in case of any changes, BioGaia will take appropriate actions.

When it comes to BioGaia’s employees we have introduced restrictions to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. We have decided to impose travel bans on international flights and participation in larger gatherings such as congresses and fairs. Furthermore, we have introduced a visitor ban, at BioGaia’s production facility to reduce the risk of employees being infected – to minimise the risk of production disruptions.

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