BioGaia on Allbright’s green list

Every year, Allbright ranks the Swedish listed companies from best to worst in terms of promoting women to Management teams. The most equal companies are listed on Allbright’s green list, the average ones on the yellow list and the male-dominated companies end up on the red list. BioGaia is proud to be among the 65 (out of 335) companies ranked on the green list*.

Read the report here (in Swedish, English version to come).

Allbright is a Swedish politically independent, non-profit foundation that promotes equality and diversity on the executive business level in Sweden. The foundation continually reviews Executive management teams and Boards and actively works to influence decision-makers to increase the proportion of women in senior positions.

* Ranking by closeness to 50/50 distribution according to the following parameters: 1) Proportion of women in Executive Management, 2) Proportion of women in line position in the Executive Management and 3) Proportion of women in the Board.

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