For the first time BioGaia has participated in the Asian Pan-Pacific Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition Meeting (APPSPGHAN), a pediatric congress with a special attention to the gastrointestinal tract, liver and nutritional status. The congress took place in Bangkok on October 24-26 and attracted around 750 visitors from the Asian Pan-Pacific region.

BioGaia had a booth presenting Functional GI disorders in children with focus on infant colic and functional abdominal pain. We also highlighted our clinical data and the guidelines that support the use of Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis in different indications e.g. acute gastroenteritis, the most common indication for probiotic in this area.

The interest was great with approx. 200-250 visitors in the booth. Thanks to the scientific program that included many sessions about probiotics and how to choose the right one, we got many good and relevant questions from the doctors about the strain identification number, how it is possible with shelf stability and if the bacteria are live or not.

In addition, we hosted a symposium on Thursday lunch on the theme “New perspectives on L. reuteri in child health – Evolution, mode of action and clinical evidence in Functional GI Disorders”.

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